Never Been Stood Up

When people picture the escorts that work today, many see some sort of London porn star oriental escort when the truth of the matter is somewhat different. However, this doesn’t mean that occasionally, there are certain events which make our pulses race and bring a real sense of excitement into our lives. There are not many jobs I could imagine which have the potential to provide such high levels of exhilaration, particularly in a Michelin star restaurant.

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I arrived at this particular place with fairly simple expectations. Meeting new people has always and will always be something I enjoy thoroughly, but there was something different about this particular night. The table was already set, the candle burning and away from the main seating area, beside a window which looked out onto the glittering lights of a London night was our table, but no sign of my date. Nervously, but intrigued, I smoothed my tight black dress down and took my seat by the window as the candle flickered slowly. I had never been stood up before; it’s not something I ever thought happened but still, ten minutes later and there was no sign of my date. After five minutes and a glass of wine which was provided by a sympathetic looking waiter, I decided that enough was enough but as I stood to leave, the very same waiter returned to the table and presented me with a key. I was stumped, but seeing as the restaurant in question was part of a hotel, I decided that, as flustered as I was, I would take the key and see what excuses my date had in store for leaving me waiting.

When I arrived at the door, unlocked the door and prepared myself for an awkward conversation about bad manners I couldn’t have predicted what was waiting for me. A hundred candles, pillows and petals strewn about the place; this was one date which I was never going to forget.

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