Top ten places to have sex

You’ve just got to know the best places to have sex so we asked our naughty girls what was their personnel favourite and out of all the answers we compiled the Geisha London Escorts top ten with our girls personnel tips. (The really naughty ones we’ve kept for another blog:O)))

In the laundry room:

nepint (9)1. Sitting on the washer instead of the dryer. When the spin cycle starts, let loose!

At a friends house:
2. Don’t overstay you welcome by making too much noise. If the head board knocks against the wall pull it away or try rolling onto the floor.

In a tent:

Since you’re screened in and the tent walls may be flimsy, sound can carry so we suggest you keep your sex positions simple.

At a park:

We’ll leave you to your own devices for this one. Just be courteous and wipe down the swing when you’re done!

5. On the kitchen table:

That spatula isn’t just for flippin’ burgers. We love to swat the guy’s ass with it to make this romp even more playful. And don’t forget health and safety so please wipe down the surfaces before serving food :O)


In the woods:

Your two biggest risks are bugs and poison ivy. To fend off bugs, spray yourselves with insect repellent beforehand…just not on anywhere you may kiss or lick. As for poison ivy, remember: If there are leaves of three, let it be.


In the pool or in the sea:
Great fun splishing about in water but remember water sex can actually dry up a girls natural lubrication so use a waterproof silicone-based lube.


In your childhood bedroom:
If your girl still lives at home and her parents are in the next room, keep quiet with a sex position that is still ultra-pleasurable but won’t shake the headboards. Remember shes still the sweet angelic angel in their eyes not the naughty minx you want to bed. Knowing they are so close can heighten the excitement just remember to gently rock instead of frantic thrust.

9. In a car:

People often think the back seat is best for car sex. But there’s not much leg room. Recline the passenger seat instead and get your girl to go on top. Leafy lanes or empty car parks are fun. Avoid McDonalds drive throughs unless you like to snak afterwards!


In the shower or bathtub:

Take turns lathering each other up and teasing yourselves into a frenzy before going all the way. Careful not to slip on the soap or you can both come crashing down with a bump.

So there you have it – not too imaginative but fun nevertheless and I know our girls have so much more that they can share.

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